5 Ways to Strengthen Your Spine

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Spine
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Do you have back problems? There are a lot of reasons why that may be the case – but, more likely than not, you have a tight spine that needs a little hand. Here are five ways you can strengthen your spine to soothe the pain.

1. Rest the right way

Body posture is very important both throughout the day and at night. Your spine will decompress when you sleep – but only if you are doing everything properly.

Resting right requires two things: a good mattress and good positioning. Spending a little more money on a medium-firm or firm mattress makes a big difference. Aligning your spine (putting a pillow under your knees for back sleepers and between your legs for side sleepers) is key.

2. Strengthen your muscles for a stronger spine

Your abs and back keep everything in place. Keeping these muscles strong will help you improve your posture as well as your spine health.

Unfortunately, we rarely use our abs daily. And whenever we use our lower back muscles, we tend to use them the wrong way. Hitting the gym will help you strengthen your spine – as well as avoid pulling your back muscles for lack of or poor use.

3. Stretch to create more space

Yes, it’s important to train your abs and back muscles – but it’s fundamental to stretch them. Going too hard at the gym could force your spine to compress more than usual, and you won’t fix that by sleeping alone.

The best way to decompress your back is to do dead-hangs, which is simply grabbing a bar and allowing your body to hang freely (with your feet away from the floor).

In rare cases, stretching will not be enough – and you will need a posterior cervical laminectomy to create space between your vertebrae.

4. Get a massage to make a difference

There’s more than one way to decompress your spine. Tight muscles can create a lot of issues in your back – and allowing them to relax helps you increase blood circulation as well as let your spine be looser yet stable.

You don’t have to get a deep tissue massage to reap the benefits! Light or moderate massage sessions can also help you improve your situation.

5. Choose the right shoes to stand on

Believe it or not, your shoes may be hurting your spine. The two soles you stand on can help or wreck your spinal alignment. Because of that, proper support is necessary to improve your spine health.

A good fit helps your two feet become a stable base for your back and spine.